
SportJeunesse Grande Prairie


Il y a d’innombrables façons de faire en sorte que TOUS les enfants puissent jouer! Trouvez votre façon et joignez-vous à l’équipe de SportJeunesse Grande Prairie.

Faire du bénévolat

KidSport Grande Prairie exists because of our incredible partners and enthusiastic volunteers. We serve children and youth living in the City of Grande Prairie and surrounding areas, including the region extending west to the BC border, east to RidgeValley, north to Spirit River/Rycroft, and south to Grovedale. Whether you’re an avid sports fan, believe that health and wellness are critical to childhood success, or simply want to make your community a better place, we want you on our team.

We are continually searching for volunteers to assist in a variety of essential roles throughout the year. Opportunities range from one-off support at our fundraising events to strategic positions on our chapter committee. You can even volunteer to plan your own fundraiser and really get into the spirit of KidSport!

If you’re interested in being part of the enthusiastic, KidSport Grande Prairie-based team that makes it So ALL Kids Can Play, please get in touch! Send an email outlining your interest to grandeprairie@kidsport.ab.ca or give us a call at 780-518-5506. Thanks for your interest in supporting our cause!

Comment proposer ses services

Complete the volunteer application form, email it to grandeprairie@kidsport.ab.ca and we will reach out.


Organiser un événement

Faites de SportJeunesse votre organisme caritatif de choix pour vos tournois de golf, mariages ou anniversaires, ou pour rendre hommage à un membre de votre communauté. SportJeunesse convient très bien à n’importe quelle activité communautaire.

SportJeunesse est aussi un excellent élément rassembleur pour les milieux de travail : les activités comme le vendredi décontracté, les fêtes, les barbecues de remerciement de la clientèle, les tournois de baseball et les paris sur le hockey sont plus agréables lorsqu’on y ajoute une composante philanthropique. Donnez une partie de vos profits, sinon tous, à SportJeunesse Grande Prairie.

Need help getting started? Get in touch – we’re game for whatever you can dream up!

Donnez à SportJeunesse

Tous les fonds recueillis par SportJeunesse Grande Prairie restent ici dans notre communauté pour créer des possibilités de sport pour les enfants d’ici.


Devenez club sportif partenaire

If you are part of a club in the City of Grande Prairie or the surrounding areas—including the region extending west to the BC border, east to RidgeValley, north to Spirit River/Rycroft, and south to Grovedale—and want to make your sport more accessible to local kids facing financial barriers, KidSport Grande Prairie is here to help. Encourage families to apply for a KidSport grant at registration time, so ALL Kids Can Play!

Our sport club partners do much more than deliver the programming that gets kids into the game. Many also fundraise for KidSport and donate leftover funds at the end of the season, tapping into the real power of kids helping kids.

Please partner with KidSport Grande Prairie in our mission to give the gift of sport to all kids! Contact grandeprairie@kidsport.ab.ca to discuss partnership opportunities.

Donate For Kids Like Devonte

Pour lui, faire du sport procure un sentiment d’appartenance, forme le caractère, alimente la santé, renforce la confiance et libère le potentiel.