Bienvenue à

SportJeunesse Cranbrook


SportJeunesse Cranbrook

For over 20 years, KidSport Cranbrook has supported local children, helping them access sports. We provide grants to help cover the costs of registration fees so that all kids aged 18 and under in Cranbrook can play a season of sport.


Our chapter accepts applications and administers grants of up to $400 per child/year, for kids who live in Cranbrook, or in one of the other communities we serve. If you live outside of Cranbrook please contact the bureau provincial pour trouver la section la plus près de chez vous ou obtenir de l’aide par l’intermédiaire du fonds provincial.



All funds raised by KidSport Cranbrook stay in our community to get local kids off the sidelines and into a season of sport. Let’s work together to build strong kids and strong communities!


Somme accordée aux enfants de Cranbrook l’an dernier.


Enfants qui ont pu quitter la ligne latérale à Cranbrook l’an dernier

En appuyant SportJeunesse, nous gagnons tous. Quand les enfants ont accès au sport, ils s’améliorent à l’école, deviennent de solides leaders, créent des communautés sûres, catalysent l’inclusivité et adoptent des habitudes saines pour la vie.

NOTRE équipe

KidSport Cranbrook is made possible thanks to passionate volunteers and our incredible partners. Together we’re making it so no kid in Cranbrook is left watching from the sidelines.

Name: Ruth Gilchrist
Position: Chair of the coMmittee

Ruth has been volunteering with KidSport since 2019 and is new to the role of Chair. She is passionate about helping all children access sports and enjoys working with the Cranbrook Committee to make this a reality.
