Bienvenue à

SportJeunesse Crowsnest Pass


SportJeunesse Crowsnest Pass

KidSport supports children who need financial assistance with sport registration fees. We provide grants to help cover the costs of registration fees so that all kids aged 18 and under in Crowsnest Pass can play a season of sport.


Notre section accepte les demandes et administre les subventions pouvant atteindre $350 per child/year for kids who live in Crowsnest Pass.  It is a one-page application process and we promise it is easy to fill out, but if you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at, we would love to connect!



In subsidized sport registration fees in 2023.


Sport Opportunities provided to Crowsnest Pass Kids in 2023.


Tous les fonds recueillis par SportJeunesse Crowsnest Pass restent dans notre communauté pour permettre aux enfants d’ici de quitter la ligne latérale pour pratiquer un sport pendant une saison. Travaillons ensemble pour bâtir des enfants forts et des communautés fortes!

NOTRE équipe

Kidsport Crowsnest Pass is made possible thanks to passionate volunteers and our incredible partners. Together, we’re making it so no kid in Crowsnest Pass is left watching from the sidelines.

Kean Mitchell - Chair
Marty Neumeier - Treasurer