GiveSport with KidSport... So TOUS Kids Can Play!
The GiveSport Club is our donor-centric community focused on one of the most important gifts in life to a child, the power of sport.
Joining is easy! Click on your preferred method of giving below and follow the directions:
Monthly donors are dedicated supporters who have committed to giving sport to kids in their community.
Step 1: Go to our Donation Page and select the monthly donation option.
Step 2: Select your preferred amount and the KidSport chapter that you would like to support.
-Year End Tax Receipt
-KidSport lapel pin
-Thank You card
-KidSport Supporters E-Newsletters
You can make your monthly donation anonymous or, with your permission, we can publicly acknowledge your commitment.
Check out our current featured monthly donor: MetCredit
GiveSport to kids in your community with a donation to KidSport.
Step 1: Go to our Donation Page
Step 2: Select your preferred amount and the KidSport chapter that you would like to support.
- Tax Receipt
- Thank You card
- KidSport Supporters E-Newsletters
We hope that you will consider becoming a GiveSport Club member. Your support will help KidSport be a force for good by ensuring all kids have access to organized sport opportunities and the life skills they develop.
This exclusive group commit to making a significant major gift to give sport to multiple kids in their community.
GiveSport to kids in your community with a donation to KidSport.
Major League donors impact the lives of groups of children:
$5,000/year – gives sport to 20 kids
$10,000/year – gives sport to 40 kids
$20,000/year – gives sport to 80 kids
Step 1: Go to our Donation Page
Step 2: Select your preferred amount and the KidSport chapter that you would like to support.
-Tax Receipt
-KidSport lapel pin
-Thank You card and phone call
-KidSport Supporters E-Newsletters
-Acknowledgement on KidSport website and Annual Report as a Major Leaguer
We hope that you will consider joining our GiveSport Club by becoming a Major League donor. Your support will help KidSport be a force for good by creating solutions to ensure all kids can play sport.
Click here for more information on Legacy Giving
Your donation IMPACT
For these two featured families, sport is more than a game. Sport is therapy for their kids.
Donations to KidSport are processed through FrontStream, a leading national fundraising platform. Your credit card information is secure, and we will never sell or share your personal information.
Yes, eligible donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt from KidSport. Donate online to receive a receipt automatically and save a tree! Offline donations will be receipted by the end of the following quarter. To receive a tax receipt for your offline donation please include your full mailing address and an email address.
Please view tax receipting guidelines here.
Absolument! Les personnes qui font des dons mensuels soutiennent notre organisme en lui assurant un financement fiable – et leur incidence est énorme! Un don de seulement 25 $ par mois s’accumule pour aider un enfant durant l’année.
Il suffit de sélectionner « Don mensuel » au haut de notre formulaire de don en ligne ou de cocher la case « Don mensuel » sur le formulaire papier. Votre don mensuel paraîtra sur votre relevé de carte de crédit, à la même date et pour le même montant que votre premier don.
Chaque don fait à SportJeunesse permet aux enfants de quitter la ligne latérale pour pratiquer un sport pendant une saison. Jusqu’à 20 % de votre don pourrait servir à couvrir nos frais de fonctionnement, par exemple pour organiser des collectes de fonds, remplacer l’encre de notre imprimante ou remercier nos bénévoles en leur offrant un repas ou une tasse de café.
Si vous choisissez de diriger votre don vers une section communautaire, nous vous en remercions! La totalité de votre don restera dans la communauté que vous avez choisie, pour aider les enfants qui y habitent.
N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec les bénévoles de SportJeunesse Alberta : nous sommes toujours heureux d’aider.
Please get in touch via email at or call 1-888-914-5437.
Donations made to a community chapter will always stay in that community to help kids who live there. If your favourite community doesn’t have a chapter, or you’re looking to spread your impact a little more broadly, please consider donating to the KidSport Alberta Provincial Fund, which provides support to kids living in communities without a local chapter.
Thank you for considering KidSport as part of your legacy. There are a number of options for planned giving, and we’d love to chat with you to get it just right. Please reach out by or 1-888-914-5437
We’re ready to team up with you on whatever fundraising ideas you have! Please reach out to your local chapter to fundraise locally, or reach out via