Bienvenue à

SportJeunesse Williams Lake


SportJeunesse Williams Lake

Nous fournissons des subventions pour aider à couvrir le coût des frais d’inscription afin que tous les enfants de 18 ans et moins de Williams Lake puissent pratiquer un sport pendant une saison.


Notre section accepte les demandes et administre les subventions pouvant atteindre $300 per child/year, for kids who live in Williams Lake, or in one of the surrounding communities we serve. If you live outside of Williams Lake please contact the bureau provincial pour trouver la section la plus près de chez vous ou obtenir de l’aide par l’intermédiaire du fonds provincial.


Tous les fonds recueillis par SportJeunesse Williams Lake restent dans notre communauté pour permettre aux enfants d’ici de quitter la ligne latérale pour pratiquer un sport pendant une saison. Travaillons ensemble pour bâtir des enfants forts et des communautés fortes!


Granted to kids in Williams Lake in 2023.


Enfants qui ont pu quitter la ligne latérale à Williams Lake l’an dernier

En appuyant SportJeunesse, nous gagnons tous. Quand les enfants ont accès au sport, ils s’améliorent à l’école, deviennent de solides leaders, créent des communautés sûres, catalysent l’inclusivité et adoptent des habitudes saines pour la vie.


Since the post pandemic "return to sport" has occurred we've experienced a significant increase in community applications and we're so pleased that we've been able to help local families have their children included in local sports.  In 2022 we increased our funding significantly and in 2023 we funded a historical high, with the largest number of athletes supported and our highest budget ever!  We are here to support families in our community, and clearly it is needed!  In order to continue to be successful we need the support of local citizens and businesses to make KidSport Williams Lake their charity of choice.  If you help us, then we can help the families that need this support.  We pay so kids can play!

NOTRE équipe

Kidsport Williams Lake is made possible thanks to passionate volunteers and our incredible partners. Together we’re making it so no child in Williams Lake is left watching from the sidelines.

Rick Miller

I am so honored to be a member of the KidSport Williams Lake Chapter!  I've been an active athlete all my life and was a PE educator for over 36 years.  From these experiences I know how important it is for children to be active and I've personally witnessed the need for financial help that exists in our community.  Being involved in KidSport Williams Lake gives me the opportunity to help families ensure their children stay active, healthy, and involved, which is so important to developing positive healthy living habits.  It's also extremely gratifying to see that our community actively supports these same goals and gives so generously to the KidSport Williams Lake Chapter.  I speak for all of our wonderful volunteers when I say "Thank-you" to our community, and good luck to our youth in their sport activities!

Elaine Sager - Registrar

Mike Franklin - Fundraising Coordinator

Angela Lake - Treasurer

Derek Godin - Assistant Treasurer

Jennifer Hack - Secretary

Fraser Bjornson - Facebook Manager

Emma Davidson - Recreation Liason & Webpage manager