Minister St-Onge announced on Wednesday, June 15th 2022 that KidSport Canada will be one of two recipients of the Community Sport for All Initiative, through the Government of Canada. This investment will help KidSport continue to remove financial barriers for sport across the country.
The Community Sport for All initiative seeks to rebuild and increase sport participation rates, particularly amongst Black, Indigenous, racialized, 2SLGBTQQIA+, low-income and newcomer populations as well as people living with disabilities.
“Every Canadian should have access to quality sport and physical activity opportunities. With the Community Sport for All Initiative funding announced today, the Government of Canada reiterates its commitment to building stronger and healthier communities across the country. The transformative power of sport plays an important role in achieving this goal. It builds self-esteem and leadership skills and allows people to grow and thrive—physically, emotionally and socially.” — The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Sport
The funding from this grant can be accessed through your local KidSport Chapter's Application Process.
To learn more about the Sport for All Initiative, see the news release from the Minster.