KidSport Greater Victoria is celebrating 25 years of helping local children access community sport programs with a year of fundraising and celebration!

This year, the goal is to help more than 1,300 children participate in local sports by providing grants to offset expenses of community sport. Since we began our work, we are grateful to have had opportunity to directly help over 17,000 kids, with more than $4.5 million to local sport organizations to support local kids living in financial need.

Access to sport and physical activity is transformative for children. It builds confidence, helps children learn to socialize and work together, and helps with mental and physical wellness. Our goal has always been to help families overcome financial barriers to participation; we are so grateful to our community for their 25 years of support.

This year, KidSport Greater Victoria is hosting events and leading special projects to celebrate and to share information about how to support local kids. We welcome local groups and individuals to join our efforts, and to develop their own fundraisers in support of KidSport Victoria as part of the 25-year celebrations.

Demand is at an all-time high.  KidSport Greater Victoria is working hard to help as many children as possible, and we appreciate the community’s help in considering our cause. for more information.