Sports participation has many advantages, including improved self-esteem, leadership abilities, and physical health. However, despite these benefits, girls frequently under-participate in sports compared to boys. Many factors contribute to this gap, and in this article, we will analyze 10 major reasons why females may be less likely to participate in sports and the effects of each barrier on their involvement.

  1. Changing Priorities: Girls’ hobbies and priorities may change as they get older, causing them to place more emphasis on other pursuits. Canadian Women and Sport states that “around puberty, girls’ sport participation often decreases as they navigate changing priorities, such as academics, social relationships, and extracurricular commitments.”
  2. Lack of Sports Awareness: Girls’ lack of sports awareness may be attributed to limited exposure to various sports in schools or communities. Girls should be exposed to a variety of sports, says the Girls on the Run International organization: “Exploring different physical activities and exposing girls to a variety of sports at a young age broadens their horizons.”
  3. Lack Of Perceived Ability: Girls may believe they are unable to participate in sports, especially those that have historically been dominated by men. It’s critical to challenge this belief and motivate girls to realize their potential. In its mission statement, Girls on the Run International stresses that “all girls, regardless of their perceived athletic ability, can learn to be physically active and develop lifelong skills.”
  4. Low Confidence: Girls’ lesser self-confidence can prevent them from participating in sports because of societal expectations and stereotypes. Building self-confidence is crucial, as stated by the Women’s Sports Foundation: “Through sports, girls can develop the self-assurance and resilience needed to overcome challenges both on and off the playing field.”
  5. Negative Body Image: Social pressure and media representations of unrealistic body ideals can cause body dissatisfaction in women, which might affect their motivation to participate in sports. Positive body image is important, as stated in the Play Like a Girl motto: “When girls feel confident and comfortable in their bodies, they are more likely to engage in sports and physical activities.”
  6. Feeling Unwelcome: In sporting situations, gender bias and discrimination can make females feel excluded. Sporting Equality emphasizes the importance of welcoming environments: “Encouraging girls to participate in sports requires creating a welcoming and encouraging environment that values the participation and contributions of all athletes, regardless of gender.”
  7. Lack Of Financial Resources: For girls, a lack of resources can be a major deterrent to participating in athletics. For people with limited financial resources, the expense of equipment, club dues, transportation, and specialized training may limit their options. KidSport works to remove this barrier by providing financial aid to eligible young athletes.
  8. Personal Safety Issues: Girls’ participation in several sports may be discouraged by real or imagined personal safety issues. Taking care of these issues and putting safety measures in place will help allay anxiety and motivate girls to participate in physical activity. It’s critical to establish a setting where girls feel encouraged and comfortable.
  9. Female Invisibility and Underrepresentation: The idea that sports are largely for boys can be influenced by the absence of female coaches and mentors as well as the restricted visibility of successful female athletes. To encourage and motivate females to participate in sports, there must be a greater representation of women in both professional and amateur sports. According to Canadian Women & Sport, representation is crucial because it “provides important role models and breaks down barriers for girls” to see other girls and women participating in and succeeding in sports.
  10. Lack of Clothing and Equipment: Girls’ participation in sports may be hampered by a lack of adequate clothing and equipment. Access to a variety of sporting goods, including options that are culturally considerate or meet specific needs, is crucial. All girls should have access to the clothing and gear required for participating in sports. KidSport has partnered with several non-profit organizations which make resources available by redistributing sports equipment to kids who cannot afford the opportunity to play.


Removing the obstacles that prevent females from participating in sports calls for a multifaceted strategy. We can encourage girls to participate in sports by expanding female representation, increasing access to clothing and equipment, cultivating self-confidence and self-acceptance, encouraging good body image, establishing inclusive environments, offering financial support, guaranteeing personal safety, and raising awareness. Let’s work towards a time when every girl is welcomed, encouraged, and supported in participating in sports and benefits from these activities for the rest of their lives.