KidSport Saskatchewan announces first chapter on a First Nation in Canada 

Dinah Marion on behalf of James Smith Cree Nation welcomes KidSport to the community to celebrate the beginning of a long-term relationship with the children’s charity, as the first local chapter on a First Nation in Canada.  

 “KidSport will give more opportunities for our youth and will help them to overcome obstacles through sport,” said Marion. “Having my children participate with the help of KidSport, they were able to play organized sports. By having a chapter in our community, it allows me to help youth and parents to learn about the financial support available for sports.” 

 At the event, participants acknowledged the significance of the partnership and how it will help reduce barriers to entry into sport. Proceeds from events such as the recent KidSport Month fundraising campaign support children and youth from families facing financial obstacles allowing them to participate in sports such as hockey, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball and basketball; kids from James Smith Cree Nation will now have that opportunity. 

 The chapter was launched thanks to Canadian Sport For All funding through Sport Canada. KidSport Saskatchewan recognized that the community had a number of applications from the area and thought it would be a strong location for a chapter.  

During the celebration, approximately 150 students heard directly from Brett Lachance of James Smith Cree Nation on the positive influence sport has had on his life. The kids then had the opportunity to play games after the formal celebration.  

“Sport is more than just playing, its development on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level that will impact you for a lifetime,” said Lachance. 

Dorothy Josephson, KidSport Saskatchewan Committee Member praised the KidSport James Smith Cree Nation chapter and KidSport Saskatchewan on the work that went into launching the chapter.  

“This chapter is launched thanks to Canadian Sport For All Funding through Sport Canada. This funding seeks to remove barriers and increase sport participation rates for underrepresented groups,” said Josephson.  

“This aligns with KidSport’s mission to assist children of families facing financial obstacles to participate in sport, So ALL Kids Can Play!”

See Global Saskatoon footage of the KidSport James Smith Cree Nation Launch: